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Our collection of wallpaper murals offers traditional and fun designs. If you are seeking a trendy, contemporary or luxurious look for your home décor, these murals will give you all this at an affordable price with the ease of Eazywallz! Our selection of patterns range from black and white damask to houndstooth chic, from fresh floral to retro pink paisley. With the option of customizing your wall mural, you can also change the pattern's size and color in a snap. These wallpaper murals are perfect for a living room or bedroom that needs a fun and high end touch!
We print all our wall murals on our original and innovative self-adhesive woven fabric. If you are looking for an easy solution to transform the look of your walls and the decor of your room, you are at the right place! Easy to install and even easier to remove! Plus, we offer FREE Shipping on every order across Canada and continental United States!
11 products

Finding the right wall mural design can be an overwhelming task.
Good news, we're experts at it!
Let us do the search for you.
Wall Murals and Wallpaper made...Eazy!

Huge selection of designs
We offer thousands of images to choose from. Can't find what you're looking for? Upload your own design, or let us do the search for you!

Custom sized to your needs
All our wall murals are made per order to the exact dimensions you need. No more wasting rolls or over paying for a size that doesn't fit.

Love it guarantee
All our murals and wallpaper are printed on the highest quality materials available on the market. We guarantee that you'll LOVE seeing your mural installed.