How-to #4
How To Install Your Wall Mural
We offer several paper options to choose from, all with different installation instructions. Find out below how to install all the wallpaper materials we carry in our store.
Installation Instructions
When you think of wallpaper, the dauting process of installing it comes to mind. Not to worry, our wall murals and wallpaper are easy to install and anybody can do it!
Read the installation instructions for each of our paper below, or download them in PDF.
Unroll all panels and lay them flat on the floor, the printed side facing the ceiling.
You may notice creases and/or bubbles as you unroll the panels. No worries, this is normal. The creases will disappear once the mural is flattened on the wall.
DO NOT install Eazystick on paints that are stain-resistant or washable. These paints are crafted to prevent self-adhesive materials from sticking. Other paints to avoid installing on are Low or No VOC paints, eco-friendly paints, easy to clean, washable or scrubbable paints.
Peel off the liner 6-12 inches only across the top of the first panel. Do not peel off the entire liner all at once! Remember that the success of the installation will depend on properly placing the first panel.
Align and stick the top of the panel to the top of your wall, along the ceiling line. This is the easiest place to start. Using a smoothing tool or squeegee, smooth the top of the panel onto the wall. Do not use too much pressure to avoid any scratches. Most installers like to squeegee from the center out when you cannot reach from side to side.
Please use a plastic or cloth squeegee (4”-6” felt wrapped) when installing as using your hands only can create and leave bubbles (especially on textured surfaces.) Put good pressure on the material (especially on slightly textured walls) to help get the adhesive into the crevasses.
Peel off the rest of the panel by gradually and evenly pulling down the liner, 4-6 inches at a time. We recommend having another person hold the bottom of the panel as you work your way down.
Once the first panel is applied, and if necessary, remove any bubbles by gently pushing them outward with the squeegee.
Start by aligning Panel#2 to Panel#1. Simply stick the panel against the edge of the first one, by matching the pattern of the mural (“butt joint”).
Note: In the case an overlap was requested by you or your client, the first 0.5” or 1” of Panel#2 will match the last 0.5” or 1” of Panel#1. In this case, you will need to overlap Panel#2 onto Panel#1, as opposed to butt joint the panels. You or your installer may choose to do a “double cut” once the mural is installed. A double cut is the process of cutting and removing the overlap in between 2 panels.
Follow STEP 2 above to apply the rest of Panel#2. Repeat the same process to apply all additional panels.
Once all panels have been applied, SLOWLY trim all the overage with a utility knife with a sharp blade (ie: Xacto knife). Follow the edges of your wall or ceiling to do so. You can also use a ruler to cut through a straight line.
If needed, repeat this process to cut around outlets (if not removed prior to installation), fuse boxes, windows, doors, etc.
Slowly and gently pull the panels from the wall. Use your hand to gradually hold back the wall mural during this process. To avoid any damage to your wall while removing, keep the wall mural as flat and parallel to the wall as possible. We highly recommend to keep the backing liner (wax paper), so you can re-apply the wall mural to it. It will protect the adhesive from losing its stickiness and allow you to re-use your wall mural.
There are several ways to wet the back of your wallpaper and activate the glue. We recommend to spray water using a spray bottle (a garden sprayer is ideal) all over the back of the panel. Apply the water generously and evenly - especially on the edges - across the back of your wallpaper panel and let sit for 10-15 seconds.
Optional: Then, “book” the wall paper by laying it on the floor glue-side up, than folding the glue side against itself for approximately 1 minute (avoid creasing the paper when booking).
Note: this product expands slightly in water; for best results, soak and book each panel the same amount of time.
Align the top of the panel to the top of your wall, along the ceiling line. This is the easiest place to start. Unfold the top half of the wall paper, leaving the bottom half of the wall paper booked, and position the glue-exposed portion of the top of the wall paper on the wall.
Using a smoothing tool or squeegee, smooth the panel downward and outward. Please use a plastic or cloth squeegee (4”-6” felt wrapped) when installing as your hands only can create and leave bubbles (especially on texture surfaces.) Put good pressure on the material (especially on slightly textured walls) to help get the adhesive into those crevasses.
Do not use too much pressure to avoid any scratches. Most installers like to squeegee from the center out when you cannot reach from side to side. Once satisfied with the initial positioning, unfold the wall paper exposing the remaining glue surface and apply it to the wall.
Once the first panel is applied, and if necessary, remove any bubbles by gently pushing them outward
with the squeegee.
Tip: Do not over smooth–bubbles smaller than the size of a U.S. Quarter (about 24 mm in diameter). They will naturally dissipate as the wall covering sets.
Start by aligning Panel#2 to Panel#1. Simply apply the panel against the edge of the first one, by matching the pattern of the mural (“butt joint”).
Note: In the case an overlap was requested by you or your client, the first 0.5” or 1” of Panel#2 will match the last 0.5” or 1” of Panel#1. In this case, you will need to overlap Panel#2 onto Panel#1, as opposed to butt joint the panels. You or your installer may choose to do a “double cut” once the mural is installed. A double cut is the process of cutting and removing the overlap in between 2 panels.
Follow STEP 2 above to apply the rest of Panel#2. Repeat the same process to apply all additional panels.
Once all panels have been applied, SLOWLY trim all the overage with a utility knife with a sharp blade (ie: Xacto knife). Follow the edges of your wall or ceiling to do so. You can also use a ruler to cut through a straight line. If needed, repeat this process to cut around outlets (if not removed prior to installation), fuse boxes, windows, doors, etc.
Slowly and gently pull the panels from the wall. HP PVC-free Wall Paper can be easily removed from the wall. Residual adhesive can be easily wiped clean with water and a sponge. Note that some paint flecking may occur and paint touch ups may be required.
Unroll all panels and lay them flat on the floor, the printed side facing the ceiling.
DO NOT install 3M Peel & Stick Vinyl on paints that are stain-resistant or washable. These paints are crafted to prevent self-adhesive materials from sticking. Other paints to avoid installing on are Low or No VOC paints, eco-friendly paints, easy to clean, washable or scrubbable paints.
Note: Vinyl tends to stretch and panels won’t align properly if stretched. It is important to avoid the back of the vinyl to stick to itself.
Peel off the liner 3-6 inches only across the top of the first panel. Do not peel off the entire liner all at once!
Align and stick the top of the panel to the top of your wall, along the ceiling line. This is the easiest place to start. Using a smoothing tool or squeegee, work from the center to the edge, then return to the center and work to the opposite edge. Use overlapping strokes while applying a small portion of the graphic at a time. Do not use too much pressure to avoid any scratches.
Please use a plastic or cloth squeegee (4”-6” felt wrapped) when installing as using your hands only can create and leave bubbles (especially on texture surfaces.) Put good pressure on the material (especially on slightly textured walls) to help get the adhesive into those crevasses.
Peel off the rest of the panel by gradually and evenly pulling down the liner, a 4-6 inches at a time. We recommend having another person hold the bottom of the panel as you work your way down.
Once the first panel is applied, and if necessary, remove any bubbles by gently pushing them outward
with the squeegee.
Start by aligning Panel#2 to Panel#1. Your Vinyl wall mural comes with an overlap! The first 0.5” or 1” of Panel#2 will match the last 0.5” or 1” of Panel#1. Overlap Panel#2 onto Panel#1. Do not butt joint the panels!
Follow STEP 1 above to apply the rest of Panel#2. Repeat the same process to apply all additional panels.
Once all panels have been applied, SLOWLY trim all the overage with a utility knife with a sharp blade (ie: Xacto knife). Follow the edges of your wall or ceiling to do so. You can also use a ruler to cut through a straight line.
If needed, repeat this process to cut around outlets (if not removed prior to installation), fuse boxes, windows, doors, etc.
Slowly and gently pull the panels from the wall. Use your hand to gradually hold back the wall mural during this process. To make the removal process easier, you may use a heat source - such as a hair blower - to weaken the adhesive.
There are many types of wallcovering adhesives, each formulated for various performance characteristics. These characteristics fall in three general categories:
o How they bond the wallcovering to the wall surface.
o How they apply to the wallcovering - this is a major consideration for you or your installer.
o How easy they are to clean up.
Adhesives vary in level of wet-tack, solids, open-time, strip ability and ease of application. All wallcovering adhesives contain a biocide system. These systems are designed to prevent bacteria contamination and mildew / fungal infestation both “in-the-can” and in the dried adhesive. Wallcovering adhesives are generally applied on the back of the wallcovering either by roller or pasting machine.
Clear Adhesives are generally considered to have more open-time and are easier to clean up than clay based adhesives. Clear adhesives are designed for both the retail customer and commercial installer. We recommend Zinsser®-Plus Sure Grip Heavy Duty Clear Adhesive, a product of the Rust-oleum Corporation for easy installation and quick clean up.
Apply adhesive to the back using a pasting machine or roller. Work the adhesive to cover the back completely, especially near the edges. Fold each end forward, pasted sides together, aligning edges carefully so they do not dry out.
CAUTION: Do not crease your wallcovering. Allow to “relax” or book for 6-8 minutes. This will allow the adhesive to penetrate the wallcovering fabric which is important for successful installation.
Note: Do not install wallcovering unless a temperature above 65º degrees F is maintained in both areas of installation and storage for at least 48 hours prior to and after installation.
Align the top of the panel to the top of your wall, along the ceiling line. This is the easiest place to start. Unfold your wallpaper.
Using a smoothing tool or squeegee, smooth the panel downward and outward. Please use a plastic or cloth squeegee (4”-6” felt wrapped) when installing as only using your hands can create and leave bubbles (especially on texture surfaces.) Put good pressure on the material (especially on slightly textured walls) to help get the adhesive into those crevasses.
Do not use too much pressure to avoid any scratches. Most installers like to squeegee from the center out when you cannot reach from side to side.
Start by aligning Panel#2 to Panel#1. Simply apply the panel against the edge of the first one, by matching the pattern of the mural (“butt joint”).
Note: In the case an overlap was requested by you or your client, the first 0.5” or 1” of Panel#2 will match the last 0.5” or 1” of Panel#1. In this case, you will need to overlap Panel#2 onto Panel#1, as opposed to butt joint the panels. You or your installer may choose to do a “double cut” once the mural is installed. A double cut is the process of cutting and removing the overlap in between 2 panels.
Follow STEP 3 above to apply the rest of Panel#2. Repeat the same process to apply all additional panels.
Once all panels have been applied, SLOWLY trim all the overage with a utility knife with a sharp blade (ie: Xacto knife). Follow the edges of your wall or ceiling to do so. You can also use a ruler to cut through a straight line.
If needed, repeat this process to cut around outlets (if not removed prior to installation), fuse boxes, windows, doors, etc.
1) A “ clay” premixed is the baseline for commercial wallcovering adhesives. All commercial wallcovering adhesives are waterbased. Clay based adhesives require a little more attention than a “clear cellulose” adhesive when they are dropped, smeared or spilled on surfaces other than the back of the wall covering. A real sea sponge is recommended for cleaning/ removing clay based adhesive residue. Rinse with clean water. Change water frequently.
2) A “clear” (cellulose vs clay) based adhesive will minimize clean-up issues. It dries to a consistency similar to oatmeal residue and will flake off easily. Be careful around exotic finishes (silk, woods, etc…) regardless of what type of adhesive is used. One inch“ blue” painters tape is great for a quick barrier between the finishes, over ceiling grids, moldings, etc...
3) A “ strippable ” commercial grade adhesive will facilitate future removal of material when your client is ready to change their image/message.
GARDNER-GIBSON ADHESIVES:a ) Adhesive: Dynamite® 780 HD clear strippableb ) Adhesive: Dynamite® 234 premium HD clear/strippable.c ) Adhesive: Dynamite® 433 clay based strippable.d ) Adhesive: Dynamite® 111 clay based not strippable. Last resort.
Apply adhesive to the back using a bristle brush, pasting machine or roller. Work the adhesive to cover the back completely, especially near the edges. Fold each end forward, pasted sides together, aligning edges carefully so they do not dry out.
Caution: Do not crease your wallcovering. Allow to “relax” or book for 6-8 minutes. This will allow the adhesive to penetrate the
wallcovering which is important for successful installation.
Note: Do not install wallcovering unless a temperature above 65º degrees F is maintained in both areas of installation and storage for at least 48 hours prior to and after installation.
The wallcovering should be applied to the wall as soon as it has become tacky. Align the top of the panel to the top of your wall, along the ceiling line. This is the easiest place to start. Unfold your wallpaper.
Using a smoothing tool or squeegee, smooth the panel downward and outward. Please use a plastic or cloth squeegee (4”-6” felt wrapped) when installing. Put good pressure on the material (especially on slightly textured walls) to help get the adhesive into those crevasses.
As each strip is installed, immediately remove excess adhesive from the wallcovering surface and seam using a natural sponge and a soft bristle brush. Frequently rinsed it in warm water and dry with a clean cotton towel. Use a professional vinyl cleaner/wallpaper remover where adhesive products have been specifically developed for use in these applications.
IMPORTANT: Our Korographics TYPE II wallpaper comes with an OVERLAP. An overlap involves a double cutting process for a perfect seam.
Install Panel#2, overlapping it with the previous panel (do not butt the seams). Each panel includes an overlap (typically 1 inch) on the left and right edge.
Once installed, use a straight edge to guide the razor blade and make a cut down the center of the overlap. Cut through both layers of wall covering, but be aware of not damaging your wall.
Peel away the excess material from the top layer (left edge of panel#2). Carefully peel back the top layer to expose the material underneath.
Then, remove the excess material from the bottom layer (right edge of Panel#1).
Smooth the layers back together using a squeegee. The two panels should come back together with a perfect butt seam.
Repeat the same process to apply all additional panels and double cut each seam until the mural is fully installed. Use a fresh razor blade for each seam to ensure a clean cut through both layers.
Once all panels have been applied, SLOWLY trim all the overage with a utility knife with a sharp blade (ie: Xacto knife). Follow the edges of your wall or ceiling to do so. You can also use a ruler to cut through a straight line.
If needed, repeat this process to cut around outlets (if not removed prior to installation), fuse boxes, windows, doors, etc.